Taking a major trip down memory lane -- I remember back in high school, counting down the days to this games release. Having been a huge fan of "The Legend of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link" for the NES, and "The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past" for the SNES, I could not have been more hyped up for this next gen console Nintendo 64 game; that was until the day I saw the video game trailer for it in theaters! My mouth was dropped to the floor the entire time! I don't remember what movie I had watched that day, but it didn't matter. I had just bore witness to the best video game trailer I had ever seen in my entire life, and it STILL remains in my personal top 3 best video game trailers of all time! I was SO hyped up for this game!
I loved the trailer so much I downloaded it off IGN and played it endlessly! I know I have my own original copy from IGN somewhere on one of my backups of my old hard drives. I literally played this video on repeat a HUNDRED THOUSAND TIMES on my then blazing fast Pentium II computer. I made it my personal screen saver, always playing on my computer when I wasn't using it; having it play while I did my homework and studied for my tests/exams. I just wish there existed a higher quality version of this original, like the one I saw in theaters and played on TV in shorter 30second form. There are a few fan remakes out there, and also an official Nintendo 3DS remake of this original. But something about this original trailer swells up great old school emotion within me.
I hereby present to you the ORIGINAL Nintendo 64 "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" video game trailer in all it's 320x240 resolution glory!
And here's the only good remake of this trailer, which was made for the release of the Nintendo 3DS version of Ocarina of Time.
- The Temporal Guardian -